UPD: Papers not accepted to publication in LNCS but of interest for discussion will be invited to be presented at academic poster session.

As in the previous year, we will run both poster session for academic papers and poster session for applications.

Papers not accepted to publication in LNCS but of interest for discussion will be invited to be presented at academic poster session.
Everyone (authors or participants) is invited to give a poster talk on applications – 3 minutes for short talk on your project in field of Data Science applications, product or company, raise questions and search for collaboration.

A poster session is one of the new formats, that allows you to speak and be heard, while being more informal and supportive for discussions than traditional formats.

To speak at a poster session, please prepare one A1-sized poster – think of it as of Powerpoint presentation with one large slide. You will have 2-3 minutes to talk about the situation, the challenge and the solution, and 1-2 minutes for questions if there are any. Then the focus will move to the next speaker. After all speeches are done, there will be spare time for free discussions with poster speakers.